pEQuOD PrEseNts: ElSa-LoUisE MAnCeaUX
IS MY intElligencE artIFICiAL?
How SOcial is the nEtw0rK?
WhAt cONneCts?
lOve or COmmUnICaTioN?
To WAtCH OR to touCh?
ScrEens Or FleSH?
how tO paiNt A tRAnsMiSsiOn?
Am I an Alien if I’m alienAted?
what are the right questions?
hOW doeS a trAnsitiOn look like?
To PlEAD guiltY or nOt GUiLty?
Is Everything tO be reNamed?
WhAt if there’d bE new wOrDs?
would new wOrDs create new Forms?
iS evErY spEech Made of Air?
couLd huMor sOlvE evErytHing?
what are the right questions?
is it all A PASSAGE?
how many times
did the world already end?
what defINES an epOCH?
wHiCh cOLorS tO pAint a body?
is the NetwOrk A forM
oF sElf-colOniSAtioN?
how about A palette for each decade?
Are tiMelinEs oBsOlEte?
What wOrKs?
Are the 30’s the new 20’s?
iS evErY spEech Made of air?
How to paint CO2?
what are the right questions?
how to distinguish the pack
from the herd?
dOeS repEtitioN revEAl identity?
iS fAshion respOnsible?
Why DO peoPle beliEve that artisTS aRE
Always fuLl oF goOd inteNtiOnS?
dOes EverythiNg hAs to grOW?
is internet a form of CLIMATE?
is the network A kind of carnival?
wheN is noNseNse lackinG?
are mirACles of the PaSt like fAKe nEWS of TODay?
CaN yOu expErimEnt without bElieF?
what are the right questions?
A colLectiOn of specifically created, carefully designed, precious patterns by Elsa-Louise.

A series of open, often abstract questions, raised to discuss matters of our time.




Copyright 2022
Elsa-Louise Manceaux & pequod co.