Here it's Always Monday, Friday and Sunday
Yolanda Ceballos
09.11.2024 - 11.01.2025
About the Exhibition

This installation, which consists of sculptures, atmospheric mechanisms, sounds, perfumes, and candies, is my intent to recreate in this space all the perceptions I felt on a particular day. Here I am trying to fabricate the weather of a day that happened in the past and keep it happening in the eternal present, modifying and transforming not only the sculpture but the memory as well.

The days I’m recreating here are: Monday 11/13/2023 when I understood something about the Moon, Friday 06/04/2021 when I understood something about Venus, and Sunday 09/22/2024 when I understood something about the Sun. At the same time, Thursday 09/15/2022 when I understood something about Jupiter is happening in Monterrey.

With fragments from my diary, I wrote during a span of three years (what I consider a cycle in my life) I try to explain why these days were particularly important, how these elements came into existence and how everything connects. During that time, I was mainly reading Jung, Agrippa, and Deleuze. I was also investigating planetary cycles and Roman mythology.

It all started on 04/06/2021 in Monterrey when I woke up, and I realized I had dreamed of a perfume for the planet Venus. In my dream, I smelled all the scents that made up the perfume. I saw colors in those scents. I even tasted them.

These dates, and these installations of perceptions take me traveling to specific days, times and spaces. They make me rewrite my memory each time. I often wonder how these experiences are impacting and shaping my future. What about yours?

- Yolanda Ceballos

Exhibited Works
Yolanda Ceballos
Sol 09/22/2024
Yolanda Ceballos
Luna 11/13/2023
Yolanda Ceballos
Venus 06/04/2021
Yolanda Ceballos
Sol 09/22/2024
Concrete, pigment, glass and glass fiber
70.86 x 15.74 x 15.74 in
Yolanda Ceballos
Luna 11/13/2023
Concrete, pigment, glass and glass fiber
70.86 x 15.75 x 15.75 in
Yolanda Ceballos
Venus 06/04/2021  
Concrete, pigment, glass and glass fiber
15.75 x 70.86 x 15.75 in
Install Shots
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