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May 8, 2021

El polímata Christopher Nixon escribió un texto breve sobre la reciente exposición individual de Gracia en Pequod Co., y un jardín, la maquinaria de la descreencia y.

Pequeño extracto (en idioma original):

"We’re not utterly alone. We have a guide. And the guide shows us it has investigated the toilet ruin. Warily. Investigated by stepping inside. Investigated by sitting.

Nothing. There is nothing there. The ruin functions only as a ruin. Its eye looks back up at us. We look back up at us. From the eye in the toilet. From the ruin."

Texto completo disponible en inglés.

May 8, 2021

Polymath Christopher Nixon wrote a brief text about Gracia's recent solo show at Pequod Co., and a garden, the machinery of disbelief, and:

"We’re not utterly alone. We have a guide. And the guide shows us it has investigated the toilet ruin. Warily. Investigated by stepping inside. Investigated by sitting.

Nothing. There is nothing there. The ruin functions only as a ruin. Its eye looks back up at us. We look back up at us. From the eye in the toilet. From the ruin."

Full text available in PDF file.

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